Tuesday, April 15, 2014

neostylis pinkie 'starry night'

It's been three years since I bought Neostylis Pinkie 'Starry Night' at the Pacific Orchid Exposition. This is the first time it has bloomed. I finally figured out what it wanted: a period of winter chill. This year I stuck it in the cool garage. The buds formed, and this time, they opened. It has a fragrance somewhat reflective of both parents, the vanilla cream scent of Neofinetia, and the sweet grape scent of the Rhynchostylis. The appearance also shows both parents: the plant and flowers are a little larger than Neostylis, the pink lip and spots from the Rhynchostylis. The leaves also have the tendency to wrinkle when the humidity isn't high enough, from the Rhynchostylis parent. But it doesn't produce the  foxtails of flowers as does the Rhyncho parent. Ah well. Sometimes we are more like our mother, sometimes we are more like our father, and we don't always get the best from each. 

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