Sunday, November 7, 2021

Ornamental pear

There aren’t many plants that have as brilliant color in the fall here as the ornamental pear trees. This is because the waxy surface of the leaves allow light to get to the pigment and also help bounce the light from the pigment. This is compared to the rough surfaces of leaves (like maples and ash) which diffuse light. It is like the difference between a glossy magazine photo and a flat newspaper photo. In a wetter climate, water plays the role of the clear coat. Rough surfaced leaves can glow richly too, even here. They just need to be back-lit, and the autumn sun angle is great for that. Other waxy surfaced leaves for autumn color might include certain sumacs, burning bush (invasive weed in parts of the country). Maybe you can think of more. Unfortunately the callery pears are invasive weeds in parts of the country, but not here in the desert southwest, where it is too dry.

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