Sunday, August 31, 2014

glamis castle

My lust for white roses got the better of me when I purchased this rose during Heirloom Roses' free shipping sale. When I heard that a rose gardener nearby had one and that it performed beautifully in the heat, I was a goner. Unfortunately, there is no plant nearby that I could check out and sniff. I had heard that 'Glamis Castle' had an odd fragrance that David Austin describes as "myrrh", that some people love it and some people hate it. The only way to find out was to buy one. The plant arrived as thorny sticks that were barely foliated (which I assumed was a characteristic of the plant, not of the culture, since the other plant I ordered looked different). I repotted it from the band it had arrived in, to a 1 gallon, and today, the first flower opened. Optimistically, I took a sniff.  Mothballs. Decidedly NOT my favorite.

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