Thursday, March 26, 2020

The lilies are coming up! The lilies are coming up!

It's funny how excited I get at the sight of the lilies coming up. After the months of winter, the appearance of that tiny lifting of the mulch is much heralded. I almost do a little dance. I think it is more exciting than the early blooms of the crocuses. Different lilies make their entrances at different times, so there is great anticipation. I may have become somewhat in tune with the cycles of the lily, because just at that time when my brain says "Isn't it time for them to start coming up?" is usually within a day or two of when they first appear.

'Silk Road' is the last to appear, probably because it is planted in the ground instead of in pots. The ground stays cooler than the pots, so this delays their appearance. Do you see it? Do you see it? The first appearance of the tip of the bulb is that subtle lifting of the mulch in the left upper corner, about a quarter of the way in. You can barely see a faint shadow in the tent of the sticks, which is the pale tip of the lily stem making its appearance.

Lilium leucanthum which grew huge last year is just peeking out of the mulch.

I've been calling this lily 'Black Beauty' even though I don't believe it is. I bought it as 'Black Dragon' but it is clearly not even close. 'Black Dragon' is a trumpet lily that is dark burgundy on the outside and white on the inside. This one looks like an oriental lily with open flowers and a red interior. Still, it is fun to grow. 

'White Butterflies was one of my most anticipated bulbs that I planted two years ago. They barely survived their location, so I'm trying to coddle them in pots. I had dug them out in the middle of summer, and strangely, they immediately grew a couple of new leaves in the few weeks before a hard freeze. They may grow this year, but I don't really expect much until maybe next year (I hope). 

 'Red Velvet' also was not particularly happy where it was, so I also dug it up last summer and potted it up. It looks much happier now. I should get a few blooms this year.

'Anastasia' was the first lily to pop up this year. It's already made significant headway. I bought this one to replace the 'Scherezade' that I gave away. I didn't like how 'Scheherezade started out bordered in yellow, and 'Anastasia' looks like it may be just as vigorous with color and flower form I like better. This one also languished in the garden spot where I planted it, and I dug them up and grew them in this pot last year. I got one flower last year, but the plants grew strong and vigorously. It looks like this year will be great. Anticipation!

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